Sunday, June 3, 2012

I am not going to write this blog post!!

I am not going to write this blog post!!

I want to write this article very badly. But as I said in my earlier posts, wanting to do something is not enough at all.
"I hope you dont end up making us protest for you when they abduct you in a white van"
My friend sent me this message as soon as I started this blog. That is what a good friend would send to a friend, rather than encouraging me to write ' Blogs which may make you to be abducted in a white van'.
 To keep the word I gave to him, I am not going to write this blog post!!

I want to write a blog explaining to my dear Sinhala brothers, Why in the first place tamils started protesting against the oppression (which most of them dont know a thing about (or dont want to learn about)). Why some tamil youngsters would risk their lives, rather than living a safe and normal life. I want to write a blog explaining how does it feel to see all the happenings from the other side.
 But again Wanting to do something is not enough at all. Maybe I dont have enough balls to write about it!! I would rather write about cricket and civil engineering and lead a normal life. So I am not going to write this blog post.

"Some people might have died in the final battle, but because of that we are travelling on buses without the fear of bus bombs and all"
This is not my own statement which I posted in a sarcastic manner. This is an actual comment a Sinhala brother posted in Facebook. I want to ask him whether by his logic Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing could be justified and Whether Killing some people to safeguard other people is considered OK by a civilized community. And I want to ask him whether killing people could be the answer for the killing of people. But I am scared to death (mostly I am scared of a white van). So I am not going to write this blog post.

I want to write about .....
                  *Honk*  *Honk*  Wait a second, Some one is honking on the gate, I will continue after attending it.

Sorry guys!! There is a white van parked outside my house, I have to jump over the back wall and run for my life. I will meet you guys later, providing that I would live long for that.

So I am not going to write this blog post!!

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